Do I Need New Brake Discs, Or Pads?

Do I Need New Brake Discs, Or Pads?
My brake pads are fine, but the brake discs are worn. Find out when you need to replace your brake discs, and why it is important.

If your brake pads are in good condition but your brake discs are worn, it is generally recommended to replace the brake discs.

Brake discs, also known as rotors, are an important part of your vehicle's braking system. They are connected to the wheels and work with the brake pads to slow the vehicle down when you apply the brakes. When the discs become worn, it can affect the performance of the brakes and can lead to a decrease in braking power.

It is generally recommended to replace brake discs when they have become worn down to the minimum thickness, as specified by the manufacturer. This is because worn brake discs can become unsafe to use and can increase the risk of accidents.
